Pursuing photography as a career choice is not as lucrative as it seemed a decade ago. The assumption that it is not a viable career option for most is slowly going out of the picture. More and more people and industries have recognised the value of professional photography and have started to invest in them. If you are an aspiring or existing photographer, or an agency, these are the most popular and high-paying photography skill-based industries you should target.

Wedding Photography
It is always going to be wedding season! Wedding planners, the bride and groom, and their families want to capture every moment they can of this special day. Wedding photography has become a really popular way for photographers and videographers to make a decent amount of income on a regular and consistent basis.

Product and Commercial Photography
Professionally shot images for a product can make a huge difference in a product company, or any brand as well. Many organisations are investing heavily in professional shots. It can be food, product listing images, architecture, and practically anything that can be used for a company to market themselves.

Fashion Photography
Fashion photography is probably the most creative commercial form of photography. The job of a fashion photographer is to create sets that encapsulate the brand, create the brand’s aesthetic, and take portraitures to showcase their clothing line. It is a highly competitive, and yet fun and rewarding line of work.

Documentation of events as they take place is a great way to use your tools and skills as a photographer. You can even work full-time with a publication, or opt the freelance way and reach out to publications on a project basis to supplement your income as a photojournalist. High quality images depicting events as they transpire can boost a publication’s growth, which is why they are investing more and more in skilled photojournalists.

Stock Photography
This is probably the field in photography that gets ignored the most, but it can offer photographers a stable income in their field. If you’ve ever used Adobe Stock, iStock or any of the other platforms for images for a blog, you would have seen stock photos. It can offer you a steady wage as you grow your career and develop your skills as a professional photographer.
Photography as a career choice is not as scary as it seems! There are a lot of photographers who work as individuals or have an agency of their own, and they work in some of these most popular fields of photography to launch successful careers that will last them a lifetime.